36 places to get Student Discounts
I found a great article i wanted to share with you people. A most read if your in college. A College Student’s Gold 5 September 3, 2012 by Cathryne If you are not a college student, do not have children in college, & do not know anyone in college anywhere- this is not for you. There will be no point in you reading this. So I’m telling you now, don’t. However, if one or more of the above applies to you, keep reading. This is good stuff folks. All college students receive some form of student id upon enrolling in school . Well, I have a secret. It’s good for so much more than just getting around campus. In reality, It’s a discount card . Unlike most store loyalty-discount cards, a student id can be used at several places. Well, what are those places? I’ve compiled a huge list right here- including where to present your card & how much of a discount you are able to receive at that...