
Showing posts from August, 2013

36 places to get Student Discounts

I found a great article i wanted to share with you people. A most read if your in college. A College Student’s Gold 5 September 3, 2012 by Cathryne      If you are not a college student, do not have children in college, & do not know anyone in college anywhere- this is not for you. There will be no point in you reading this. So I’m telling you now, don’t. However, if  one or more of the above applies to you, keep reading. This is good stuff folks.      All college students receive some form of student id upon enrolling in school . Well, I have a secret.      It’s good for so much more than just getting around campus. In reality, It’s a discount card . Unlike most store loyalty-discount cards, a student id can be used at several places. Well, what are those places? I’ve compiled a huge list right here- including where to present your card & how much of a discount you are able to receive at that...

Crazy Out There Stuff, AHHH!


A drawing my dad made of me

A drawing my dad made of me.

My Kick-Ass 2 Review

                   I have to say i am a big fan of superhero movies. Sadly not a lot of this year, such as Man of Steel or Iron Man 3, i will be Redboxing those movies. One movie i could not wait for all year was Kick-Ass 2. I was, so crazy to see it i, just had to take pictures, also just had to see the movie on opening day of course.         The Kick-Ass 2 is not as good as the first, but it is still a must see. It is such a love letter to geeky, hipster, nerds, just like Scott Pilgrim.         The fight scenes are really well filmed. I found my self moving my fist when Kick-Ass was fighting thugs. The story was not 100%  the same as the comic, for example Hit-Girl was sent to prison in the end. From that part not happening i wonder, if there will be Kick-Ass 2, it did not look like it.      I really dislike ...

My Idea for Red Box

     Ok guys i got a great idea for Red Box. Red Box should get in the  ice cream truck business, so people could get a snack and  movie at the same time.  Also there could be a app that tells people when the truck is coming, or there should be a way were people could call the truck over. The Streets are waiting.

My Photogram's I Made

M  My Photogram's I Made A photogram is a photographic image made without a camera by placing objects directly onto the surface of a light-sensitive material such as photographic paper and then exposing it to light. The usual result is a negative shadow image that shows variations in tone that depends upon the transparency of the objects used. Areas of the paper that have received no light appear white; those exposed through transparent or semi-transparent objects appear grey. [ 1 ] The technique is sometimes called cameraless photography . It was used by Man Ray in his exploration of rayographs . Other artists who have experimented with the technique include László Moholy-Nagy , Christian Schad (who called them "Schadographs"), Imogen Cunningham and Pablo Picasso . [ 2 ] Variations of the technique have also been used for scientific purposes.

Creepy Shit


Photo of me at Cal Tech

Photo of me at Cal Tech in 2013. I was at Cal Tech with friend to see a lecture by Stephan  Ha wking, a couple of months ago. It was really cool and educational.