
Showing posts from September, 2013

Me going to Vons comic


Art Night Pasadena Friday, October 11,2013 from 6-10pm


Stephen Holman's LIFE WITH LOOPY exhibition at the HIVE GALLERY

Attention Stop-Motion Animation, 90s Nickelodeon and StephenHolmanArt fans! Back in the Golden Age of Nickelodeon TV there once ran a show called KABLAM! and on that show was a surreal, stop-motion animation series called  LIFE WITH LOOPY (which I created, directed, wrote and designed).  Loopy ran for 4 seasons (1996-2000), and was a much-loved example of 90s cool, freaky, kids tv culture. This Saturday October 5th  ( 8pm - 11pm ) the Hive Gallery will be celebrating all that is Loopy with an exhibition devoted to the series! Cool stuff on display (and in many cases on sale) will include original pre-production drawings from the show, photographs from the production, episode screenings, a new original LOOPY PAINTING created especially for the exhibit, (plus a VERY LIMITED, SIGNED GICLEE PRINT - see below). PLUS on Opening Night and Artwalk night ONLY, Loopy animation director JOSEPHINE HUANG and I will be bringing in the original STOP-MOTION PUPPETS from the se...

My "AlphaOmegaSin" Fan Art

   My "AlphaOmegaSin" Fan Art. This dude is my favorite youtuber , if your a video game nerd check it out. His show kicks you in the heart and balls, in a good way.                                                                                                                           About: Crazy ass nerdy metalhead talking to his camera about...

Recent Random Doodles

   This guy is my pal Ben Hunter.    I drew this when i was drawing at Ben Hunters house.    I drew this when i was waiting to talk to the proh at college. These kids are not bast on anything or anyone i know.    This one drawing is my good friend Stephanie Delazeri. I don't think she liked it when i showed it to her.   


     Two days ago i was going to the book store next to my college. I look around for ten minutes, then i Bruce Timm hunting for books too. You look alot like Bruce Timm, i said. I am him, he said back to me. I did not believe, i thougt it was a joke. Then in my mind i got starstruck.       He was really nice and listen my questions and comments. I told him me and my friends what you. "Under the red hood" is my favorite Batman movie, i said to him. Also i ask him, what do you think of , Bryan Cranston maybe being cast as the next Lex Luthor in the upcomming Batman/Superman movie. He said, sure Bryan Cranston is a great actor.         I was calling him Mr.Timm, thats how much i respect him. Sadly my phone's battery was dead, so no fan photo, but i still got Mr.Timm's autograph on my sketchbook. Though i  regret not s...