Most Buys John K Presents: Spumco Comic Book
Most Buys, John K Presents: Spumco Comic Book MOST BUY! Todays most buy is, John K Presents: Spumco Comic Book. I saw this big ass comic book at my local comic book store "Comics Vs Toys" in Eagle Rock Almost everyday for two months i thought of buying it, So i did a month ago. I Just had to because am such a fan of Ren and Stimpy. I really dig the crazy humor and art style. The Price is pretty great for all the stuff you get, before thought it would 50 bucks, but it was $34.99, also you could buy it cheaper at Amazone .com for $27.13 . The big comic has 185 comic pages of greatness and more. I really do think this comic book is a perfect gift for Valentine's day. by ...